
Reposting an old poem from last year’s #OctPoWriMo, first posted on 10/26/17


Finding connection between courage and caution

Silent moments resonate in naked reflection

In this dream, the blind see


Undiscovered sacrifice comes knocking every so often

Summoning the sun as skies drizzle, I curse my imperfection

Finding connection between courage and caution


In a quiet room, I pray on bended knee

Waiting, waiting on a path to choose

Silent moments resonate in naked reflection


A matter of faith, this search for truth

My mind wanders with each possibility

In this dream, the blind see


photo: Flickr

prompts: OctPoWriMo, SammiScribbles, #RavensVeil, Creative Talents Unleashed


  1. I particularly like “In this dream, the blind see”.
    To me, it’s such a powerful phrase. I’m not even sure why. Some connection I have with blindness, a fiction I read as a teen where light didn’t exist, and how some discovered the outside world and light.
    Sigh! I can’t remember the name of the book, but it sure made an impact on me 🙂


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