From Mother to Child

Dare to push limits, these boundaries of thought

A healing heart, free and wild, is best untaught

Release your world of conflict and disasters

Within these walls we follow no false masters

The necessity of peace is one held dear

Make stardust memories without any fear

Best to embrace each misstep as you travel

Let your thoughts wander, unroll, and unravel

Yes, break every preconception as you go

Find twisted paths meant for only you to know

Dare to push limits, these boundaries of thought

A healing heart, free and wild, is best untaught

Release your world of conflict and disasters

Within these walls we follow no false masters

Take the time to find your special destiny

You are always safe at home, here with me

Know the world is waiting as you to explore

Keep my blessings close as you walk out the door

For I know your strength, your love, your beauty

Loving you is a gift and honored duty

Remember my words as your spirit flies free

Climb those mountains and sail across every sea

Dare to push limits, these boundaries of thought

A healing heart, free and wild, is best untaught

The necessity of peace is one held dear

Make stardust memories without any fear

And if by chance a stormy cloud should follow

do not give up ﹘ no, don’t you ever wallow

Cast a net to gather these golden treasures

There’s value in both pain and the pleasures

Most restrictions persist only if allowed

Fight back and hold your head high above a crowd

Be yourself on this personal Walkabout

Be curious and be brave and hold no doubt

Dare to push limits, these boundaries of thought

A healing heart, free and wild, is best untaught

Image by Briam Cute from Pixabay 

Prompts: OctPoWriMo 2020 Day 5, #InkMine, #moonmystic, #zenverse


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